Boyle Street Education Centre is a public charter school that supports the student in your life in ways that work for them.
We are a school that brings hope to its students and their families through a culturally-minded, trauma-informed learning environment. Our program is completely free for all students, accessible, and customizable.
Our students are those who have struggled with previous school environments – youth who have not experienced success in conventional learning environments and have had many disruptions in their education. All services are free of charge for our students. Some of these include:
- Breakfast and lunch program
- Transportation
- School supplies
- Books
- Academic and personal counselling
- Financial support for independent students
- Employment counselling and supports

The ability to imagine a better future is a luxury often not enjoyed by many of our students before they attend but one often reported by those who have been part of our program.
In addition to the main program of studies, our school offers a variety of options that students may choose to attend. These classes offer students alternative pathways to completing their high-school diplomas.
Breaking Barriers
Our students historically do not arrive at BSEC “school ready.” As survivors of intergenerational oppression, they experience barriers to wellbeing that include racism, abuse, and extended periods of unstable housing.
In many cases, our students have lived for long periods without positive adult role models, adequate financial resources, or good mental health.
The pressure of having to manage so many challenges often result in them choosing to drop out of school when challenged or to demonstrate below average academic performance relative to age.
To counter the effects of these barriers, BSEC offers many qualities similar to a family. The school accepts students wherever they are in their journey and offers a program that is flexible and diverse enough to respond to changing circumstances.
This welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment can help our students develop a sense of hope that they may thrive in their lives after high school.

As an intergenerational survivor of the Indian residential school system, I appreciate how BSEC creates a safer space for our young people to learn and heal. BSEC has created many opportunities for my son to learn more about himself as an Indigenous person through land-based experiential learning. My son has received some of his rites-of-passage because of the school and their relationship with Elders and traditional knowledge keepers in our community. Most of all, I appreciate how the BSEC understands that the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach does not work. There are many supports and services available that can change the trajectory of a young person’s life, much like my son. This is the first school that I authentically felt safe within. My son and I have been shown that education can be different. We appreciate all of the support we’ve been given! Hai hai!